If you’re handing out crowns, email marketing wears it. It’s a tactic that smart marketers rely on to drive results time and time again. Sure, there are lots of

If you’ve ever shopped online, you would’ve noticed that nearly every store you visited used some sort of product recommendation widget. They significantly help boost sales revenue, click-through rate, conversion

Your triggered emails, like your promotional emails and newsletters, should reflect the core aesthetic of your business if you want to increase brand presence and engagement. But they also need

It dawned upon us that we have written plenty of in-depth posts about the specifics on email marketing. Take our last one, for example, which was the Definitive Guide to

If you’re not expecting a phone call, are you likely to answer it? If it’s convenient sure, maybe. But how often is it convenient to talk to a stranger on

Although there are plenty of opportunities in the burgeoning $2.7 trillion e-commerce market, it is also fiercely competitive. Despite Amazon’s increasing grip in all corners of the industry, there are

According to Statista, the average cart abandonment rate currently stands at 77%. For some industries, that figure is even higher, up to 82% for travel businesses for example. The sobering

The phrase “Thank You” is a universal way of expressing gratitude. Every language and culture have a code of saying thank you. In online marketing “culture”, a simple thank you

This post is an in-depth guide to email marketing and how it works. The number one factor to think about is providing value to your subscribers. How can you share useful,

In this rapidly advancing digital world, the way we communicate has changed with it. Even Skype now looks positively ancient in comparison to the likes of Zoom and Facebook Messenger. In the

I get this question a lot. “How do I increase my email open rate?” As ever, there’s no straightforward answer. It’s like trying to boil an egg to exactly how

Guess what? Years after email was supposed to die, suffocating beneath a pile of tweets and status updates, the medium continues to stay alive. The reason? It’s simple. Despite having